Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Unable to Read SRQ Request over GPIB Bus

Hi Guys , 


Am a newbie in GPIB Programming with no experience. I am currently working on a project which require to Listen to data communication between Controller and Device via GPIB Bus.


The controller being NI GPIB-USB Controller connected to instrument which is to be controlled. My idea was to attach another GPIB-USB Adaptor (Currently am using Prologix GPIB-USB Controller) in LISTEN ONLY mode to see the data communication between the Controller and instrument.


I am able to collect all the commands sent from Controller to Instrument and reply from instrument, But unable to see any SRQ Code. Only those are missing. , Can anyone guide me on what am i doing wrong. Am using python's PySerial Module to achieve this. I have attached a sample code as below ,


import os.path
import serial
import sys
from time import sleep
comport = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
# addr = '5'
ser = serial.Serial()
    ser = serial.Serial( comport, 9600, timeout=0.5 )
    # Switch to DEVICE mode
    cmd = '++mode 0'
    print('Sending:', cmd)
    cmd = cmd + '\n'
    # Set instrument to LISTEN ONLY mode
    cmd = '++lon 1'
    print('Sending:', cmd)
    cmd = cmd + '\n'
     # Read the Data from GPIB BUS
        s =;
        if len(s) > 0:
When the Controller Issue a Command "T" to the instrument , It reponse back with an SRQ 49 , But in the Data Log collected , I only see the Next Command issue after T and cannot read the SRQ service number. But when i check the devide log , i can see that the Device replied with SRQ 49 After receiving command "T" from Controller.
Can anyone suggest what am i missing in here ? Am using the Prologix GPIB USB Controller in Device Mode and in LISTEN ONLY setting.


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