04-05-2016 09:40 AM
I have GPD-4303s power supply and i want to control this device by using Labview. I use USB port for connection.
However, its own Labview example doesnt work in my pc and it gives me an error. It is given related screenshot as follows.
I read some forums to handle with this problem and i changed baund rate of the port binding. But, i gave the same error.
Can you help me to solve that and uderstand the main reason of the problem?
Thanks in advance for your helps.
04-06-2016 11:48 AM
There are several things that can cause a timeout error.
Possibly, you're sending incorrect commands to your device. You mentioned that this is an example, so that may not be the case. But you should check your power supply's manual to ensure that you are sending correct commands to the instrument.
Also, have you checked the timeout settings of any of your VIs that this would be relevant for, such as a VISA Wait on Event VI. For now, try setting any timeout values to -1, this will make the program run indefinitely. See how that changes the results.
Try also running the program with Highlight Execution turned on. Determine where this timeout is occurring and then narrow it down from there.
If you still need more help, please post screenshots of your block diagram or attach your VI. The front panel doesn't provide much information for resolving this error.
Hope this helps!