11-02-2010 12:23 AM
I am trying to write a labview program for SR510 lock in amplifier. I have attached the program which I have written. I have done preliminary testing and it
is responding well. Now I want to do something more to it. For eg., I can regulate a High Voltage power supply by applying 0-10V using lock in amp. What
I want to do is I will give start voltage, say,1volt (1V corresponds to 1480volts in the power supply), the power supply, in turn, will be connected to an
electron gun and will power up the electrons, fall on the sample and thus the spectrum is obtained. There should be a delay of 1 sec after applying the
voltage as the power supply takes 1 sec time to stabilize. The energy, 1480V is applied to the elecron gun for, say, 10sec (though the 10sec time is not
fixed, it can vary). Hence the total time taken for getting a spectrum is 11sec(1sec+10sec). Again after 11sec, the applied voltage to the electron gun should
be 2volts(although the step size of the voltage applied would be preferrably 0.00025V which is possibe) and the process continues till the applied voltage
becomes 9volts and the process comes to halt. Though this can be done manually, I want this whole process to be automatic. But I am not getting the least
idea to proceed forward. I would be glad if anybody can help me. The program is written in serial mode using RS232.
Thank you.
11-02-2010 02:28 PM
Have a look at this software. It is not perfect but offers a look into other subvi's that control the lockin
05-24-2011 10:09 AM
Hi, for the subvi in this topic . I also have this problem now, I want to use the RS 232 port to get the data from SR 850 lock in, because we don't have the data acquision card. Can I directly use the driver shown in the website of NI which is for GPIB actually??
05-24-2011 11:23 AM
@Lynn0630 wrote:
Hi, for the subvi in this topic . I also have this problem now, I want to use the RS 232 port to get the data from SR 850 lock in, because we don't have the data acquision card. Can I directly use the driver shown in the website of NI which is for GPIB actually??
Much of the driver can be re-used since it is likely that the commands to send to the instrument are the same in either RS-232 or GPIB. You may have some limited funcionallity that will not be supported in RS-232 (anything waiting on a GPIB bus specific line like Wait for SRQ can't work in Serial.) Athough both RS-232 and IEEE 488 (GPIB) are supported by VISA the physical differences between the two formats requires changes to the code to make it work on the different protocol