02-15-2017 01:51 AM
Hi everyone,
I tried to install the Serial Instrument Control Device PCI-8432/2 in my machine. But after installing the card and booting the machine I get the POST-Error "Parity Check 2". The machine is HP Workstation Z200 working on Windows 7.
I do have following drivers installed:
NI-488.2 Runtime 16.0
NI-VISA Runtime 16.0
NI-Serial 14.0
NI-DAQmx Runtime 16.0.1
After removing the card everthing works fine.
Does anyone know a solution for this problem? I would be most greatfull
02-20-2017 06:10 AM
Hi again,
so it looks like after some more testing that one pci-slot might be broken. I reinstalled all drivers and switched the card to another pci-slot. Now the card is recognized by the pc and there is no parity error anymore.
Not exactly sure what caused this problem but it is working now.