Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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related stuff for RS-232 of the wavetek 395.

hi. i am quite new in this field. i am working on room temp. AFM, i want  to use external amplifier and wave genertor(wavetek 395) withcurrent AFM setup, for getting the P-E hysteresis loop, but i have not the lab view program for that SETUP. so what should i do. so i need  LABVIEW program for  that said setup. another there is a GPIB (IEEE-488) and Rs 232 as an interface for the wavetek 395. but GPIB is not working. how i can get the related stuff (software +driver) for the RS-232 of the wavetek 395.

any program/sample code of GPIB cab be used  for RS-232??

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What doesn't work about the GPIB? What error message do you get? The only driver for it is old and unsupported. Unless it uses the VISA api, you will have to make quite a few changes.

It's very unlikely that you will find a program to do what you want. You'll have to build it from scratch using the driver functions or low level calls. Determine how to first run the instrument manually and the programming should be simple once you understand the command from studying the manual.
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