03-09-2016 01:28 PM
We just published a new version of the SMO Editor. You should be able to find it on VIPM by searching for "SMO Editor".
This version includes a better user interface for creating new SMOs:
And an automatic way of creating Public/Private events and Public Methods for ByVal and ByRef SMOs.
Please let me know what you think.
03-10-2016 03:07 PM
Small issue: I had the editor open and then closed all other VIs and projects. This leaves me with the editor but no File menu to create or open anything new. I had to close the editor to get the main LV dialog back (and for some reason, the editor popped back open again, so I had to close it a second time). Then all was well.
03-25-2016 04:21 PM
I have labview 2014 and trying to install new SMO Editor.
The search within VI package manager returns only version
Your link brings me to JKI SMO editor version but when i click install it still installs
Am i missing something?
Thank you
03-25-2016 04:27 PM
I just tried and it works OK for me. Try hitting the refresh button (round green arrows) on the toolbar and see if shows up.
03-25-2016 04:31 PM
That did it.
Thank you very much