10-09-2019 04:47 PM - edited 10-09-2019 04:48 PM
Hi All,
I just purchased an PXIe-8521 automotive ethernet card for my PXI Chassis and I was wondering if there any plan to support ARXML in the same way as XNET supports DBC files?
For example right now I have a 6 CAN buses connected to my CGW(Central Gateway) via a PXIe-8510 XNET CAN card, all those CAN buses have matching DBC files that define the various frames and signals that will be transmitted and received on each bus and from this I can simulate my whole CAN network and do a breadth of testing in this way. Things like frame route testing via the CGW, routed frame latency testing, throughput testing etc.
My question/concern now is, how do I do the same for the 100BASE-T1 automotive ethernet interfaces on my CGW which have ARXML files that define their behavior? I would like to be able to do the exact same type of testing on these interfaces as I do on the CAN interfaces but I need a way to first extract the data from the ARXML file like I do the DBC file and secondly I need to be able to convert the RAW ethernet frame that I get from the XNET read function, into actual payload data.
Any ideas? Perhaps this is already supported and I have missed it?
08:34 PM
- last edited on
09:56 AM
Hi, as pointed out earlier in this thread of you want to use AUTOSAR arxmls on both CAN and Ethernet an option is to use AKKA's PROVEtech: RBS Add-on. It will be available on the tools network in November for CAN and December for ethernet.
10-15-2019 01:48 PM
Well this seems very "un NI like". So do we need to purchase this toolkit? The Ethernet card itself is pretty useless with library's to support it for testing purposes. Will we be able to use the purple database input wire for Ethernet connections like we do on CAN with this 3 party library? In other words can we open an output session in Ethernet using an ARXML database as an input and transmit certain frames?
10-16-2019 09:51 AM
Hi jkerrigan12,
Currently NI-XNET does not natively support .ARXML databases for FlexRay or Ethernet. Support for these are planned for future releases, including significant update to .ARXML support for CAN and LIN. If you’d like to discuss our future roadmap, we can set up a discussion through your account manager.
The PXIe-852x interfaces currently only support the Frame Stream Session types, with more to be added in future software update. The future enhancements will use the same database input wire as other NI-XNET interfaces. More information on the current support is available here: NI-XNET 19.1 Help: Using Ethernet
Depending on your application, you may be able to use either the XNET Endpoint or the OS network stack for communication. In general, I suggest you reach out our Technical Support Engineering team who can provide guidance.
In addition to support NI provides directly, Alliance Partners also offer their own implementations of support. There would not necessarily use the same API as the NI-XNET driver. Andreas provided an example of a toolkit from AKKA which is targeted at HIL applications and the partner has been developing for the PXIe-8521. Other partners such as measX have presented on work with OEMs using NI and AUTOSAR architectures. These options are not directly supported by NI and are supported by the partner.
10-17-2019 03:49 AM
I recently came across this,
Basically we won't use the NI-XNET palette when we have this AKKA driver(AKKA uses XNET drivers underneath).
It works as below.
1) Open a AKKA Software GUI and it is like a configurator, select all interface properties(CAN Port, Ethernet Port, baud rate, etc), give the dbc files, arxml files as an input to this configurator.
2) Finally configurator creates and .config file as output.
3) Call some AKKA VIs and give this file as input, and use some vis to start the restbus and some vis to set/get signal values during runtime, stop restbus.
It is somewhat similar to usage of config file from a canoe and start the measurement from labview.
10-17-2019 04:46 AM
Hi Karthickk,
Where did you find AKKA's configurator with Ethernet Port? I cannot find it in their RBS config (shown attached)
10-18-2019 03:30 AM
Hi Bristolli
Full functionality for loading ARXML file is not yet available i think.
I hope it will be available when it is released in NI tools Network or before
But before that, i saw an option
if you have an RBS config file (.xml file) loaded with your arxml file and if you want option to select the interface port name.
Goto C:\Program Files\AKKA\PROVEtechRE\cfg\CFG.exe (wherever you installed)
Open CFG.exe File>Open Configuration> AutomotiveEthernet>Select the HW port name there and save and try it.
03-10-2020 08:08 AM
I am new here, hoping to have joined the right group / discussion. We're using nixnet to parse arxml's of CAN data. Recently, we've noticed that we're not getting out all of the signals. I believe the missing ones are secured. Is there a way around it? I couldn't find anything relevant in nixnet.h. I think I have the latest version (19.6). Thank you.
05-12-2020 02:16 PM
Hi jsteckl,
my suggestion is to join the Webinar on next Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (GMT+02:00) about "ECU Testing with Focus on Restbus Simulation" https://events.ni.com/profile/form/index.cfm?PKformID=0x460428abcd
Here you get more information about an AUTOSAR V4.x automotive bus communication simulation solution.
We from AKKA had a lot of experience with AUTOSAR xml files and parsing such communication files.
It is also possible to use the evaluation version of PROVEtech:RBS and download it from the National Instruments Tools Network (http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/de/nid/218049 ).
Do you need a solution for LabVIEW or VeriStand?
Martin Widder
AKKA PROVEtech Product Manager