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Enrique Noé Arias

LabVIEW Champions Member Profile

Name: Enrique Noé Arias

Enrique NoéEnrique Noé

Home: León, Guanajuato, México



PantherLAB LogoPantherLAB Logo


Programming Languages:
Dart (Flutter)
Phyton (Just the basics)




Used LabVIEW Since:
~2000 LabVIEW 6.0


Application Areas:
Automatic Test Stations, Instrument Drivers, Control Systems, DQMH Framework, Training.


  • I'm an electronics and telecommunications engineer (1997-2001) where I first meet LabVIEW and it was amazing!
  • I hold a master's degree in electronic and computational systems, where I learned advanced skills and techniques (I fall in love with LabVIEW and its possibilities)
  • I also have a master's degree in web and mobile development, where I gained experience in creating and maintaining applications that are user-friendly and efficient
  • I began teaching LabVIEW at university in 2004. It was a great way to share my knowledge and passion with others
  • I joined a research center in 2008 where I was involved in instrumentation and experiments with very sophisticated equipment, using LabVIEW and occasionally microcontrollers. It was a challenging and rewarding experience
  • In 2020, I had the opportunity to work as a LabVIEW contractor at DELACOR, thanks to Fabiola de la Cueva and Luis Orozco. They are awesome mentors and colleagues
  • I founded my consulting company (PantherLAB) in 2021 where I can pursue my passions (programming, teaching, designing code, etc.), PantherLAB is one of the DQMH Trusted Advisors. I'm very proud of this achievement and I look forward to new projects and collaborations