LabVIEW Channel Wires

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Channel wires and aggregate controls

I agree, 

@IlluminatedG wrote:

This just sounds like a case of not using channel wires and implementing the underlying notifier or queue (or anything else) behavior directly.

I agree, they don't work for me and I moved on.  The program I implemented 25 years ago used a shared memory block and I was hoping to be able to replace it with channel wires.  They don't work, my question was why and certainly they can't pass through a structure but why they can't be inside a cluster, is still not clear to me as they would only pass through one boundary and not have two sources for the same wire.


I don't mind switching languages and have done so many times and may again as support and features change.  I have had favorite languages in the past and may again as the problems require different approaches.

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 11 of 14

Channel Wires are "just" syntactic sugar over top of queues, ammortized growth arrays, notifiers, etc along with some handshaking and stats tracking logic. If you're explicitly instantiating any of that logic to share data around an application then you don't need the handshaking parts of channels and therefor are back to just whatever communication mechanism they're wrapping.


If you want to share a clump of data around an app you may be interested in a Single Element Queue and if you want to be able to have readers access in parallel then DVRs might be your tool of choice.


~ Helping pave the path to long-term living and thriving in space. ~
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Message 12 of 14

Yes, under the hood they are basically queues or other mechanisms with a lot of scripting.  Possibly "syntactic sugar" is selling them a bit short. And Stephen might object to that term! 🙂  They were a way to implement things in a much more readable elegant way which is the point of that sugar.


There are other ways to do this, but Channel Wires but it seemed that this was a classic case where they could simplify a lot of code.  Turns out not to be the case and for my use they are more of a syntactic aspartame rather than sugar! 🙂

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 13 of 14
MessengerM (Multiplexed Messenger) is a new Channel which is effectively an array of Messenger channels on a single channel wire.  It might be useful for your application.  It is now available for download in VIPM.


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Message 14 of 14