LabVIEW Channel Wires

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Could Not Create The Requested Channel Endpoint

AFAICT, Brian's code shows that the way he has it setup with a separate ack channel, you can hang the sender until the message is ACKed.  The second stop button should be called Ack message and continue.  When the ACK is not sent, then the channel writer hangs waiting for the channel to clear.

It works, but I think the example where when you read the next message you actually ack the previous one seems a cleaner inmplementat.  THis is in the Examples/Channels/Channel Message Handler/Channel Message

The abort is a different use case.  Additional handshaking of the Ack functionality gives a chance to resend or take other action if no ACK within a timeout period.

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 21 of 23

This is the CCT snippet creation code:

CCT snip.PNG

It basically copies and pastes the selection to a new VI, saves it and then saves that bytestream in the relevant chunk in the PNG. My guess is that the problem would be in the pasting part, where something doesn't work right with creating the channels, but I haven't actually checked.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 22 of 23

Are you sure there is an example with ACK? I checked all the following folders and found nothing 😞

Accumulator Tag
Basics Quiz
Channel Message Handler
Event Messenger
High Speed Stream
Lossy Stream
Measure And Log
One Element Stream
Parallel Channels Problem
Replacing The Function At The Heart Of An Algorithm At Run Time
Stream Rate Conversion
Stream String Processing

Michał Bieńkowski

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Message 23 of 23