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AWS example on myRIO error

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NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Create Error Cluster from Response<ERR>
Signature expired: 20171227T080421Z is now earlier than 20171228T021459Z (20171228T022959Z - 15 min.)

Check your system's date, time, and timezone settings. Adjust for Daylight Saving Time if necessary.

<b>Complete call chain:</b>
     NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Create Error Cluster from Response
     NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Check Error and Get Call
     NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Send API Request
     NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Make HTTP Request
     NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Low-Level HTTP Request AWS
     List SQS Queues in


I got that error when i run aws list queue example in myRIO.


Anyone know what to do?

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Message 1 of 6

I try to change the time too, but nothing works.

Then i try to instal new software in myRIO and it works, but the next day it is not working again. Then i just restart myRIO, suddenly it works.


Anyone know what is this error caused?

Is it bug?

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Message 2 of 6

It is error again after i shutdown myRIO for a couple of hour

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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author Pelabu

It appears that we may not restart myRIO because the time will reset

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Message 4 of 6

I get the following error while trying the AWS SQS example on myRIO. It works OK on the computer but I get the following error during deployment:


Deploying NI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Make HTTP Request v4.viNI_AWS_Core.lvlib:HTTP Request.lvclass:Make HTTP Request loaded with errors on the target and was closed.
Deployment completed with errors


The time setting is OK, the HTTP client is installed and the admin password is not empty.

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Message 5 of 6

hi there!

I'm working on remote monitoring of real time temperature monitoring project using labview. for the IOT application I have to upload data in the form of excel sheet which is generated by labview, and at the user end I have to monitor it on mobile application, so can anyone suggest me the IOT platform for this project which would be compatible with Labview


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Message 6 of 6