02-17-2015 11:32 AM
I prepared a script that runs just fine in Matlab. However, when I try using it in a MathScript node, there are actually some syntax errors. In this case, "rc" is my custom function that returns the Raised Cosine. See attachement.
I hope this helps improve the compatibility of the syntax.
Also, you might want to add *.m to the list of valid extensions that can be uploaded as an attachment in this forum.
02-18-2015 06:32 AM
Some functions and properties in MATLAB can not be used in MathScript RT Module.
The following page lists all the supported functions.
06-07-2016 02:46 AM
Hi ,
I have consulted the link that you have provided concerning the list of functions Mathscript module and I found the function "erfc_inv" that I actually need in my project but it doesn"t seem to be recognized in labview communications design suite.What should I do ?
06-07-2016 11:20 AM
Hi emnajaoua,
Actually you can find the supported M functions here in the manual. I didn't see that particular function through a brief look but you may want to verify. I did find it available in the supported C functions though.
06-08-2016 02:23 AM
Thank you for your help.I will turn it to C node than.
Best Regards,
06-08-2016 03:41 AM
Is there a function or VI that can compute for me the inverse of a function like "erfc".because I need erfc_inv not just erfc.
06-08-2016 08:38 AM
Do you know a way to initialize an array in C node without knowing its actual size or how to plot an array as an output from the C node.
Thanks in advance.