06-09-2018 09:36 PM
am used NI OPC service to connect Siemens plc s7-1200 (tiaportal 2014) to
labview i select siemens ethernet tcp/ip .but in OPC quick client ,only the
tag value created by myself is UNKNOWN and the quality is bad .
06-12-2018 02:00 PM
What do you mean when you say that only the tag you created by yourself is showing that status? What about "system" tags?
The first thing I would recommend is to ensure that the firewall, defender or/and antivirus is not blocking NI OPC Server application or its network communication. Then it is important to verify that port 135 is open and not being used by other application/service on the server machine. I found some tutorials that show the configuration needed from TIA Portal to enable communication on the device.
06-13-2018 07:39 PM
thank you for your response
Can you see this picture
The firewall is off
and the pc dont have antivirus
06-14-2018 12:08 PM
What about siemens.s7-1200._System tags? Are those showing up correctly? What is the quality of input 1 and output tags?
06-17-2018 05:48 AM
Hi thank you for your response
the tags of plc is correct
the input1 & output quality is bad