LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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ADS1115 Labview Interface for Arduino

if you want to read 7 analog chanel you need 2 ads1115 please see the ads1115 datasheet on page 23 where is the i2c address and on page 34 is the conection 

in your VI you have to send the configuration and read the firth channel and later you have to send next configuration and read the next channel (with the i2c address of these ads1115) after you read the 4 channels you have to change the i2c address to the next ads1115 and send the configuration and read to next 3 channels

Message 31 of 32

my example to read out all 4 channels.


my mistakes were:

- Channels that are not used must be actively pulled to a voltage or GND

- Before the conversion register is read, you have to wait at least the measurement time




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Message 32 of 32