LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino uno+ bluetooth (using LIFA) HELP~~~~

hey guys, I am doing a project which is to connect arduino to PC using bluetooth module. However, I got some problems in connecting my bluetooth module (HC-05)  with labview. I am quite sure I set the baudrate correctly(115200) in firmware and labview. Do I need to change the commandlength in firmware or just keep it 15? An error(-1073807346)always come out from Send It seem that the arduino cannot give response to labview and I have no idea what's going on.  Please help~~~~~~~~~~~

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Message 1 of 4




here is the work I have made~can someone check for me?

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Message 2 of 4

According to your images, the error that you are receiving is 5003.  Take a look at that error's documenation and try to trouble shoot it from there.

Message 3 of 4

Maybe LabVIEW is waiting for a response from Arduino, but Arduino does not respond. I am suffering the same problem.

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