03-24-2015 07:08 PM
Hi guys,
I'm running an Arduino Uno with a Big Easy Driver to control a stepper motor. Right now, the motor appears to be 1/16th stepping, but I'd like to bump it up to a microstep size of 1/4th. Should I be looking in the firmware, or is it going to be a setting in the "Write Steps" subVI?
Thanks in advance,
03-24-2015 10:10 PM
The LIFA Big Easy Driver example does not include the capability for setting the micro stepping mode. However, you can control the micro stepping mode by the logic levels applied to the Big Easy MS1, MS2 and MS3 pins. At the bottom of the following web page there is a table showing the logic levels required for setting the micro stepping mode.
If you don't need to change the micro stepping mode frequently use a jumper to ground the appropriate MS pin. No jumper is needed for setting a pin high. Or if you are ambitious you could connect the 3 MS pins to 3 Arduino digital pins and add the capability to the LIFA Big Easy Driver to control the logic level applied to the 3 MS pins.