LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Re: Problem with connecting arduino and LabVIEW

The safest way when something gets stuck in complex systems, to lay bare the basic system function, in this case  test communication between LabView and Arduino using the LIFA. Therefore, here I present a simple LIFA program LED-on / off (LED on pin 13). Arduino LIFA Firmware is stripped to the basic function, synchronization with LabView, parsing commands and control digital outputs. Previously should check whether VISA is active  (open Measurement & Automation Explorer -> Device and Interfaces -> Serial & Parallel -> COMs) then the Device Manager -> Ports -> Arduino COMx. The included program Base8.ino should load  in the Arduino (UNO) as any sketch. Run supplied program previously entering Arduino's COMX.Pushing  the key should  alternate LED13 (on / off).

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