04-03-2014 08:55 AM
If anybody can help me because I could not understand how some people manage to make it work!!! I am simply connecting the MAX31855 board from Adafruit to the Arduino UNO, nothing complicated, and try to take temperature measurments from a K-type thermocouple and transfer them to Labview. I have tried using Nathan's library but with no results. When I just run Get TC Data Only.vi the mearuments are crazy (~700), or are flactuating like crazy. When I try to use the example program the 1st LED-Error lights up and the measurements are crazy again. Also Labview asks me to connect the MAX31855 block to CS, which I do in order to run it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if someone can help me, I am a beginner in Labview and have managed to understand how it works but this is a bit over my skills to fully understand. Thank you!
04-03-2014 11:39 PM
Hi nms28
Can you post your VIs?
Either that or you need to post specific questions to get better help.
04-04-2014 02:39 AM
Basically my setup is really simple for the moment. I connect the MAX31855 Adafruit board to the Arduino Uno and I want to take measurements using Labview. I don't have a specific VI I have been trying the ones posted on this forum but with no luck. I don't understand how some people managed to make them work. Is there a trick to it as it uses a custom firmware? Thank you for your time!
08-17-2014 12:26 AM
Hi, I tried to open the MAX31855, Im getting an error, does anyone have the LV libraries for it? Cause its missing cant get thevi to open. Thank you
08-17-2014 12:35 AM
Which one did you try to use? What error are you getting?
The latest one that I posted is in Post 81.
08-17-2014 01:12 AM
Tried to run the max31855.vi alone, didnt notice the whole library sorry. Got it Thanks!
Quick question: This max31855 you gave would be the where I should collect the temperature from thermocouple right? And it wonly works for 1 arduino right?
08-17-2014 01:31 AM
Take a look at the example VI that I included with the library to see how it works. But note that there has been a bit of controversy in the thread regarding my version working. I've had a couple people say that it works perffectly and other saying that they had to make some modifications (iirc).
The VI's work on which ever Arduino you are executing it on (assuming that that Arduino has the sensor connected correctly.
08-17-2014 01:37 AM
Its working perfectly fine, although it told me that no arduino is connected (havent made it, on the process), so I guess this might work
08-17-2014 01:38 AM
I'm confused. How is it working if it can't find an Arduino?
08-17-2014 01:46 AM
Well I think its working it only needs an arduino (which I do not have for now).
It only says this error after pressing "Stop"
Which I believe is for the arduino.