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Reading SPI of MAX31855

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I have it sending data now. I had to chenge retval to max_retval in the print statement


** MAX31855 Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter


          case 0xFD:  // Init

                    MAX31855_Init(command[2], command[3], command[4]);



          case 0xFE:  // Read Raw Data

                    // Read raw data here.

                    max_retVal = MAX31855_readData();

                    Serial.write( (max_retVal >> 24) );

                    Serial.write( (max_retVal >> 16 & 0xFF) );

                    Serial.write( (max_retVal >> 8 & 0xFF) );

                    Serial.write( (max_retVal & 0xFF) );


Also it reads on the hi to low transition so I fixed that in the code as well.

// MAX31855 Functions

void MAX31855_Init(unsigned char SO, unsigned char CS, unsigned char SCK)


          max_so = SO;

          max_cs = CS;

          max_sck = SCK;


          // MAX31855 data output pin

          pinMode(max_so, INPUT);

          // MAX31855 chip select input pin

          pinMode(max_cs, OUTPUT);

          // MAX31855 clock input pin

          pinMode(max_sck, OUTPUT);


          // Default output pins state

          digitalWrite(max_cs, HIGH);

          digitalWrite(max_sck, HIGH);


unsigned long MAX31855_readData()


          int bitCount;

          unsigned long data;


          // Clear data

          data = 0;

          // Select the MAX31855 chip

          digitalWrite(max_cs, LOW);


          // Shift in 32-bit of data

          for (bitCount = 31; bitCount >= 0; bitCount--)


                    digitalWrite(max_sck, LOW);


                    // If data bit is high

                    if (digitalRead(max_so))


                              // Need to type cast data type to unsigned long, else compiler will

                              // truncate to 16-bit

                              data |= ((unsigned long)1 << bitCount);



                    digitalWrite(max_sck, HIGH);



          // Deselect MAX31855 chip

          digitalWrite(max_cs, HIGH);




0 Kudos
Message 21 of 131

ug this took a while to figure out... but it works now


0 Kudos
Message 22 of 131

ok i've been tinkering a bit have a look at this I'm working on the error bits next


0 Kudos
Message 23 of 131

LeXLuther422 wrote:

ug this took a while to figure out... but it works now


Why didn't you use my VIs?  They should work with your fixed version of the firmware.  It's much much simpler.

The max_retVal was my fault but the second thing you mention surprises me because I took it directly from the library.  I'll update the library later tonight.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 131

if you look i need to reorginize the bytes middle two for temp outside two for cjc

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Message 25 of 131

In the library, I have one for the thermocouple temperature already.  I will create VIs for everything else shortly but didn't have the time (at the time) and would like to get the critical parts tested and working.

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Message 26 of 131
Accepted by topic author LeXLuther422

With this setup it is doing everything even the errors



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Message 27 of 131

This is what I ended up making my display look like


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Message 28 of 131

Please excuse that my feedback took a whole day, but it was only now that I had to build the actual circuit arround the MAX31855, and than checked everything twice and threefold to make sure that the reson for your program always returning 0°C was somewhere in the code, and not in my circuit - so that I don't "blame" your program by mistake; that would be paltry.

I'm afraid my contribution isn't nearly as profound as LexLuther's: there are no "errors" in the example VI, but it just reads in 0s...

I don't know how to help you any better - just tell me, please.

Thanks again for the great help!

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Message 29 of 131

this is the base file I used and the vi's I used are available above in another post of mine.

EDIT: let me know if you want my latest vi with the display as picturd above.

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Message 30 of 131