03-10-2015 03:44 AM
Hi Everyone,
My name is Odell and I work with Packt Publishing. Packt has recently published a new book named "Programming Arduino with LabVIEW".
It's an exciting guide that will help users build interactive and fun learning projects with Arduino using LabVIEW. More info on the book can be found here : http://bit.ly/1EHcW0k
For this book, I am looking for individuals who are interested in this subject matter and would like to review the book and post their reviews on Amazon.com and relevant technology sites.
I would be more than happy to provide you with a free e-copy of the book for review purposes.
Those who are interested can contact me at odelld@packtpub.com
Thanks a lot
Odell Dias
Online Marketing Executive
03-10-2015 06:30 PM
This book is not about using Labview to write code to run on Arduino, Instead it is about using LINX.
The book provides the following examples.
Chapter 3 Controlling a Motor.
Chapter 4 Simple Weather Station.
Chapter 5 Xbee Smart Power Switch
Chapter 6 Wireless Alarm System
Chapter 7 Remote Controlled Mobile Robot
A short book About 100 pages in length.
03-10-2015 07:43 PM
This book is a bit premature, IMO, given that LINX is evolving very rapidly (backwards compatibility is broken in a recent update). Also, amusingly, on page 6, it refers to VIPM meaning "Visual Package Manager" which is incorrect. It stands for "VI Package Manager".
hrh212 is correct which means that the title of the book is quite misleading.
03-11-2015 12:43 AM
Hi hrh212 and Nathan_B,
Thank you for your valuable feedback about the book. I will inform the author as well as our editiors incharge of this book about your concerns so that we can avoid such errors in the future and further improve the quality of our books. Thanks a lot once again.