LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Send Text Between LabView & Arduino

Hello ,

Briefly , I have a Wireless Sensor Network - WSN - to Monitoring Patients Health , and I am using The LabView as a Monitor at a Gateway .

I want to make Patients Informations - Set Up - in LabView , to recognize each patient in WSN nodes .

So , I want to send ( Patient Name , Genedr , Age & Date ) from The LabView ( Set Up ) to save it in Arduino ( WSN - nodes ) , and then read it in LabView ( Gateway ) from The Arduino with the others E-Health Sensors informations .

Can any one help me , What will I must do in LabView & Arduino to do that ?

And if any one have another idea to do that , I will be thankful to him .

Regards ...

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

Are you using LabVIEW Interface for Arduino?  How are you connecting the Arduinos to you computer (i.e. what do you mean by "Gateway")?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

Hello Mr. Nathan_B.

Yes , I am complete reading all sensors by interfacing the Arduino with the LabView .

I have three nodes , each of them has Arduino, E-Health Sensors and Xbee .

And my Laptop ( with Xbee ) will be a Monitor for all Patients ( nodes ) by using LabView Program , and that is a Gateway .

And I want to insert  ( Name , Gender , Age , Date )  information for each patient .

Then , when I want to Show ( Monitor ) any Patient ( Node ) , I will Read ( See ) its ( Name , Gender , Age , Date )  information and its Health Status .

Thanks Sir ...

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

If you want to store information on the Arduino, you would need to create custom LIFA functions that read and write that information to the Arduino.  Though, this type of information would be lost if the Arduino ever lost power.

It sounds more like you simply need to have a way to identify each Arduino uniquely and then have that identifier associated with the patient's information on the computer.  Will that work for you?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

Hello Mr. Nathan_B.

Yes , I am using ( serial available ) to read serial port , and named the Three Nodes ( 1 , 2 & 3 ) respectively  .

How can I ( Write & Read ) Patient Information ( Name , Age , ... etc. ) for each node ?

How can I ( Write & Read ) Text Between LabView & Arduino ?

Please I need an example to do that practically .

Thanks Sir ...

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

A few comments.  When you say wireless sensor network do you mean XBee or WiFi?

Don't use LIFA.  It is not suited for text messages.  It only transmits 10 bytes at a time.

On the Arduino side use the Arduino Text library for receiving text.  It is a lot easier to use than a character at time approach Arduino normally uses for extracting text.  Arduino also has a serial stream class that is good for text messages.


You said "How can I ( Write & Read ) Patient Information ( Name , Age , ... etc. ) for each node ?".   Normally each node has an address.  Labview must be one of the nodes. Hence you send patient information to the appropriate node.

Labview has lot of text handling capability and comes with Basic Write and Read.VI and Advanced Serial Write and Read.VI examples for reading and writing data at a serial port.  However, the examples have a few odd quirks so you might need to make some adjustments to their configuration to get them to work the way you desire.

Warning I am not enthusiastic about what you are doing. It looks like you are reinventing the wheel and Labview looks to be a very expensive User interface for your application.  Sorry I can not provide you with an example. I have to many things I need to do between now and January 15 , 2014.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14

I don't really understand the description of your system.  It sounds like you are not using the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Toolkit.  Other than this toolkit, I don't have much experience with serial communication using LabVIEW.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

Hello Mr. Nathan_B.

Thank you very much for your responses .

I am using ( VISA ) to connect the LabView with the Arduino ( Xbee ) .

Reagards ...

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

Hello Mr. hrh1818

Thank you very much for your response .

I am Sent the Patient Information ( Name , Age , ... etc. ) from labview to Arduino by using a ( String  ) ,  as in this form ( Jone ; Male ; 22 ; ... etc .  )

Now , How can I Receive it in Arduino as a String , and then split it , as in form :




Thanks ...

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

The fillowing link shows a good method for splitting a comma separated string. 


It will also workwith semicolon separated strings.  Just change the comma in indexOf(',') to a semicolon.


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Message 10 of 14