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''Servo Write Pulse Width'' VI

hello , i cant figure out what is the purpose of ''Servo Write Pulse Width'' VI . By changing the width of the pwm signal that you send to the servo , you set the angle of the servo . If this is true what is the difference of this VI with the '' Servo write angle '' VI ? thanx in advance

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Message 1 of 5

One requires and angle (in degrees) for its input.  The other requires the pulse width (in microseconds, us) for its input.

You should use which ever one make the most sense in your application.  If you are using a standard server, you should be able to use the "Servo Write Angle" VI.  The servo's have a limited range.  Servo's typcially have a 180 degree rotation range which typically corresponds to 1000 us to 2000 us pulse width.

If you are not using a servo but have something that uses a similar signal or you want to provide a pulse width that it outside the range of a typical servo.

Message 2 of 5

Thanks for the reply , so you say that both VI 's turn the servo as many degrees as you choose at the input

( either the input is refered in degrees or pulse width (PWM) ) ?

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Message 3 of 5

Would that imply that it's possible to somehow rescale the range as in from 0 to 180 to say +5 to -5 but with a much higher resolution required 0.1 degree or am I way off the mark 

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Message 4 of 5

The resolution of the PWM signal is determined by the hardware (the Arduino).  Also, it depends on how the server interprets the signal.  If it's designed for ±90° (i.e. 180°) then you can't really change anything unless the servo itself is configurable.

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Message 5 of 5