08-15-2016 08:30 AM
Plase find attached the script. It is basically the same as Daniel, with just a minor change to make it working three times.
Thanks for your help.
Dr Flavia Cardini
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Anglia Ruskin University
0845 196 2346
08-15-2016 08:29 PM
It is generally not recommend to open and close the connection to the Arduino multiple times in a VI. It appears to make it work because some of the pins are getting set back to off when you close the connection but I would not recommend relying on this behavior.
I have recreated the original Arduino sketch in LabVIEW using LINX for you to see a more proper execution of this the original code.
08-16-2016 01:50 AM
thanks a lot!!!
I will try to sort out the problem I had before to upgrade to LINX and try your script!!!
super thanks!
Dr Flavia Cardini
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Anglia Ruskin University
0845 196 2346