LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Traitement fréquentielle d'un signal

Je suis étudiant en deuxième année BTS électrotechnique et je suis sur un projet (IRIS) ... J'ai un capteur de débit que en sortie me délivre un signal fréquentielle. Et je voudrai avec la carte Arduino, convertir ce signal à créneau en tension. Est ce possible faire cela avec la carte arduino?? Et si oui, quel parametre utiliser ds le logiciel LabView. J'ai entendu parler des circuits intégrés LM2917, des convertisseur Frequence/Tension mais je sasi pas ou en trouver, pour le moment je suis en possession d'une carte Arduino Mega 2560.


Caractéristique du capteur :

Capteur à roue à palettes SIGNET 515

Plage de mesure : 0,3 à 6 m/s

Précision : ± 1 % de la pleine échelle

Aucune tension d'alimentation

Signal de sortie :    0,3V par m/s

      15 à 18 Hz par m/s

Merci D'avance

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I'd recommend searching online for how to read in a frequency for an Arduino.  You would then implement that on the Arduino and you could send the value of the frequency to LabVIEW using basic serial commands.  In LabVIEW, you would then read the serial data with NI-VISA.

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Message 2 of 3

Paul Stoffregen has contributed the FreqCount and the FreqMeasure libraries to the Arduino IDE.  FreqCount is the preferred library for measuring frequencies in the 1 KHz to 8 megahertz range.  For more information see:  <>

  FreqMeasure is the preferred library for measuring frequencies in the 0.1 Hz to 1 KHz range.  For more information see:   <>


  Please consult the web pages listed above to determine   which digital input pin to use with your Arduino board or Arduino clone.  Because FreqCount  and FreqMeasure  use different digital input pins double check your wiring to make sure you are using the correct digital input pin.


  You must use Arduino's "Manage Libraries" tool to use these libraries.  The Manage Libraries tool was added to the Arduino IDE starting with version 1.6.2.  The procedure for installing the FreqCount library is:

  Open the Arduino IDE

  Click on the menu item "Sketch"

  Select "Include Library"

  Click on "Manage Libraries"

  At top of page in the box with the default value "All" select "Contributed"

  At top of page in the box with the default value "Filter Your search" enter Freq

  Click in the FreqCount box

  In the lower right corner of the FreqCount box click on "Install"

  If you see "Installed" next to the FreqCount title then you have successfully installed the FreqCount library.  


  Replace FreqCount with FreqMeasure in the above procedure to install the FreqMeasure library.

  For more information about Arduino's Manage Libraries tool see"



  To test the FreqCount library:

  Click on the menu item "File"

  Select Examples

  Scroll down to the bottom of the list, select FreqCount and click on "Serial Output".

  Connect your frequency signal to be measured to the appropriate digital input pin, run the example , and then open Ardjuino's Serial Monitor to inspect the results.  

To test the FreqMeassure library replace FreqCount in the above procedure with FreqMeasure.


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