07-31-2014 09:12 PM
hola!!! disculpa necesito ayuda con el sensor ultrasonico me manda un error al leer la entrada del arduino es el mismo ejemplo que ha aparecido pero no me realiza una lectura
08-02-2014 01:59 PM
I would recommend that you use one of the posted versions if it shows that it is capable of handling your sensor model. Most of the ultrasonic sensors that I've written code for require custom firmware.
Also, LINX (the only supported Arduino Interface) has native support for several different ultrasonic sensors.
08-02-2014 06:51 PM
try testing with different versions but mark me an error -1073807343 and not how to fix it
08-03-2014 03:33 PM
What firmware and VI's are you using? What model is your sensor?
08-03-2014 04:26 PM
my sensor is the HC-SR04 and labview is 2012 and i have also 2013
08-04-2014 02:47 PM
What firmware and VI's are you using?
Have you looked at the functions that I created in the documents section specifically for this?