LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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capturing datas

Hi all !! could some please has any pdf document or recomanded book that i could use to fully investigate how capturing datas with arduino and inter-acting them with labview works. anything in the related field will be helpful.thanks a million. ian

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Message 1 of 17

I'm guessing there isn't any books on interfacing Arduino with LabVIEW.  The best thing that you can do to get started is to look at examples and run them on your own and explore.  The more familiar you are with LabVIEW and it's coding paradigm, the better off you will be.

So, take a look at examples and learn from them.  But, remember that LIFA has been replaced by LINX, see the announcement on the main page:

Regarding capturing data, you need to make sure that the Arduino can do what you want in the first place.  If you are trying to capture slowly then Arduino will probably work really well.  If you are trying to capture extrememly fast then you will verify that it's even possible because Arduino [and LIFA/LINX] are not designed for this.

If you need further help, you need to give a lot more detail regarding what you are trying to do.  What signals are you trying to capture?  How fast do you need to capture them?  What sensors are you using? etc.

P.S.  Sam K. is really good about responding to people's questions and issues in the LINX forums so don't hesitate to post there.

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Message 2 of 17

Thanks a lot Nathan for you response!!  here is a description of the project I'm  struggling with: do you if arduino mega 2560 has some memory for storing data? basically what i would like to do is  reading datas from couples of sensors, send them to arduino then to labview in continuous process . Now i would like to know how to implement it in such a way that as i'm reading value from the sensor ,arduino will store in its memory as  the memory is full pass it to labview then read new data again from the sensor and so on.. .. thanks!!!

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Message 3 of 17

You describe a method for collecting data that is not normally used with LIFA.  With LIFA, Labview sends a request to an Arduino board.  LIFA code running on the Arduino board collects the data and sends the data to Labview. If you have more than one thermocouple you would send a separate request for a reading from each thermocouple. You would also use Labview to control the rate at which you collect data from thermocouples.

Depending upon how you interface your thermocouples to your Arduino board. You maybe able to use LINX. LINX has the advantage of being able to collect data from multiple analog inputs with one request.


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Message 4 of 17

There is storage (a little) on the Arduino but as hrh1818, LIFA and LINX are not really designed to do this (there is a method for acquiring continuously but only for a single analog input and you cant' do anything else during this time). 

To determine if it is actually possible to do what you want, we need to know the details of what you want.  What physical system are you measuring?  What sensors are you using?  What frequency are you needing to measure at?  What are you doing with the data (how are you processing it and what information do you need from it).

If you need to acquire data really fast then the Arduino is not the device to use and should instead use a DAQ system that is capable of what you need.

Message 5 of 17

thanks Nathan!! euh below is a VI that a built to capture an input voltage , room light intensity and temperature. Now i was trying to save the data on csv file using the write to spreadsheet palette in such a way that in one colunm i could have the sensor name , next the date , time  and measured valuues you see what mean hein? just want to save all the reading on a nice looking file , hence someone could use them after. i would deeply appreciate if you can help me fixing this VI. THANKS a lot

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Message 6 of 17

hey sorry for my poor English it's because i'm French haha and i just started using labview recently

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Message 7 of 17

Here is a really cleaned up version of your VI.  You need to remember that you must have only one continuous Arduino resource wire otherwise there is a possiblility that it will not run correctly (race condition).

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Message 8 of 17

Hi Nathan thanx for you r help!! Below is an update of my project VI. What i'm triying to read voltage from 5 regulators each of them has a current range of 0 to 2v. using Arduino mega 2560 and LIFA. Do you how i could bring the arduino input voltage limit down to (0-2V) then, read my regulators value at 10 bites resolution in the that range. please have look at my VI AND point out to me all the adjustment i need to make . Also if you have any link/document related that could be useful i would deeply appreciate. One more time thanks a lot for all your support

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Message 9 of 17

tha's my VI, I'm trying to use the analog port instead of single analog read pin. thanks

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Message 10 of 17