LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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reading the temperature using mlx90614 sensor



For a school project I'm trying to get a MLX90164 IR-thermo sensor working with arduino via LabVIEW.. 

 i need to read the temperature with LabVIEW. The sensor is connected via the SCL and SDA port  (I2C)

the problem we are having is that all bytes are reading 255 all the time!

, . My question is, if someone would like to help me out a bit, so I can read the sensor with LabVIEW?

The slave address is 0x5A 

the vi and the data sheet of the sensor are attached.



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Hey ssara, 


i do not have this sensor here to test but taking a look at datasheet i found out that it uses SMbus, which is not true I2C.
i recommend you using some kind of bit banging protocol, that you will have to develop.


however, using arduino and bitbanging might not be the best solution with LINX, because you must rely on a windows OS to send and receive bits.


also, the timeout for this sensor is only 35ms, which may cause continous disconnections.


considering that, i recommend you using custom command, attaching a library to your arduino firmware and the calling that function when you need data.

Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori, PhD
Sistema Fiep
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