05-07-2018 02:18 PM
I got some plots via math-script RT module.But, unable to save them as Matlab figure file. There are only two options
1-Save to BMP file
2-Save to EPS file
What should i do to save my plot as Matlab figure file i,e with extension ".fig"
05-07-2018 11:48 PM
The fig type is not supported in MathScript.
05-08-2018 07:52 AM
is there any way to get .fig file from mathscript?
05-08-2018 05:31 PM
Did you read the post right above yours?
05-09-2018 07:59 AM
yeah,but still i think there might be a way to solve the issue........as nothing is impossible:
05-09-2018 09:39 AM
@MRBILAL wrote:
yeah,but still i think there might be a way to solve the issue........as nothing is impossible:
Nothing is impossible, but it might need much more time and effort than you are willing to invest. Some ideas: