04-29-2020 08:59 AM
Hello everybody!
I'll join as well 🙂
04-30-2020 09:53 AM
As a reminder:
On April 30th at 17hr you can join us online at https://meet.jit.si/LabVIEWUserGroupEuregioMeeting Please be sure to use Firefox or Chome to access the meeting, as the site works best with these browsers. We look forward to connecting with you online on the 30th.
Opening the link above to the jitsi chatroom should drop you directly into the video-group.
In the window we have:
Bottom Left: Share Screen, Raise Hand & Chat Window
Bottom Right: Settings
Bottom Centre: Mute etc
See you all soon!
04-30-2020 11:01 AM
04-30-2020 03:24 PM
05-01-2020 04:08 AM
Hey Russell, I don't think it was recorded. I've noticed there has been a lot of interest in this particular talk (I've given it a few times now) - I'm considering recording a YouTube video of it. Would that be something you guys might be interested in?
05-02-2020 09:47 PM
05-04-2020 06:54 AM
Hi Danielle,
after installation of Python 3.6.8 I have found out, that a very easy way to install "numpy" and "cv2" is to type in the following commands into the "CMD"-Window:
C:\Python\Python36\Scripts>pip install opencv-python und
C:\Python\Python36\Scripts>pip install numpy
while the path C:\Python\Python36\Scripts depends of course on the choosen path during Python installation.
After the installation of these two "packages" the FindFaces/FindCorners examples work fine.
I want to mention this because maybe there are some guys facing the same problems as I.
Thank you and best regards
Andreas Pfichner, APSysteme GmbH