02-25-2014 05:24 AM
I started to use UI Builder a year ago and found it quite useful. However, when I tried to buy a license I was told by NI that I could not - something to do with it not being released yet. So I stopped using it and developed using something else. I now have another project that might benefit from UI builder. Can you guys update me on what state the UI Builder is in? Is it stable and good enough to include in a product? Have you been able to buy a license?
many thanks
02-26-2014 05:48 AM
Hi Phil,
The LabVIEW web UI builder is now availbale for purchase as an 'Early access Release' . This means that it is aimed at early adopters and there are a ferw caveats that you need to be aware of. You can find out why this is categorised as an early access release by referring to the 'Why is LabVIEW Web UI Builder considered an "Early Access Release"?' following document:
The document also has information on purchasing a license for standalone web applications whcih you might find useful.
Thanks and Regards,
02-26-2014 05:52 AM
Thanks for taking time to reply. I will follow your link