Modular Data Acquisition
Distributed Measurement and Control
High-Performance Test
Automated Test System Development Software
Perspectives showcases how NI sees what’s next in the world of test and technology.
You can request repair, RMA, schedule calibration, or get technical support. A valid service agreement may be required.
Provides support for NI data acquisition and signal conditioning devices.
Provides support for Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments.
Provides support for NI GPIB controllers and NI embedded controllers with GPIB ports.
06-10-2023 12:27 PM
하나의 불리언의 참 거짓 값으로 참일때 대화상자, 거짓일때 대화상자가 뜨는 프로그램을 제작하고싶은데 잘 안됩니다
이벤트 구조에는 값 변경이나 마우스다운같은거만 있을뿐 참 거짓을 판별하는게 없네요
불리언 값을 케이스 구조에 연결한후 참 거짓 케이스를 나누고 각각 이벤트구조를 작성해봤는데 하나의 불리언이라 그런지 이벤트에 참 거짓을 나누는게 없어서
값 변경으로 했더니 참 거짓 케이스 둘다 실행되네요.... 어떻게 방법이 없을까요?
06-11-2023 12:30 PM - edited 06-11-2023 12:34 PM
You can use a case structure:
Use value change, not mouse down! Also, of you want a different dialog in each cases, just change the string. No case structure needed:
What do you need our team of experts to assist you with?
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