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10 Things I Hate About LabVIEW

My Name is Rob Humfeld and I am conducting some research for my upcoming NIWeek 2005 talk, entitled:

"10 Things I Hate About LabVIEW"

Yes, this is for real and approved by NI (kudos to them)

The presentation will examine some of the inconvenient and/or painful aspects of working with National Instruments' flagship product, LabVIEW. This presentation is not an open-forum "gripe session," but an opportunity to hear about users' difficulties with and misunderstandings about LabVIEW, workarounds and practices that developers have discovered to make their own LabVIEW programming better, and the ideas and aspirations LabVIEW proponents and fans have for future versions. The speaker will also attempt to extract some general programming lessons that we can learn from observing LabVIEW's "thorns".


I am looking for your ideas of what to include in the presentation. To make a submission, send an email to Please include the following information:

A brief explanation of one thing you hate about LabVIEW
A brief explanation of why you hate it
Do you know of a solution or workaround?

You may make as many submissions as you like, but please only address one idea per email.

LabVIEW is so easy to love, but what aspect do you hate?
Tell me about it:
Message 1 of 19
Sounds like a very interesting idea.
Assuming some people won't be able to attend this presentation, will there be any way to see what you came up with?
Also, I've seen your site has a form for submitting suggestions, but doesn't show what was received.
Would it be possible to see the "rejects" - ideas you recieved, but didn't incorporate into the presentation?

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 19
Yes, we'll plan on making the presentation available after NI Week on the website.

Also, we will be listing received ideas on the website. We just need some submissions!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 19
Yes there are things..

- Bad grahpical performance with gauges.
- Most significant problem is overlapping.

To solve this problem it would be nice if LabVIEW
can find out wheter there is a possibility of the
needle cutting (overlapping) with something or not.
If no;- there could be a possibility to save a huge
amount of calculations ans so enhancing the appilication.

- Bad performance while manipulating tables.
- If you change a single cell inside a table if takes about
half a secound for the update.

The usage of -2 for the collum or -2 for the row does not realy
help. The usage od defer panel updates is not a sollution too.

- Bad performance with tree controls.
- Adding and removing of entrys is only acceptable by using
defer panel updates.

No idea how to accelerate this.

With kind regards

With kind regards

Martin Kunze

KDI Digital
Tel: +49 (0)441 9490852
Message 4 of 19

Rob, did this presentation happen?

If so, where can we find it?

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 19
Yes, the presentation was very successfil, and my IT guy is supposed to be putting it on the web as we speak.
When it's up on the web, I'm going to announce it here and also directly email everyone who submitted an idea.
Thanks for all of the great ideas!
-- Rob Humfeld
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 19

Thanks to all of you for your contributions and compliments on my NI Week talks this year.


They are now being posted on the web (along with some other NI Week Talks we have done) at:


Hope you find them interesting/useful.


If you have any good ideas for a talk next year, let me know. I haven’t thought of one yet.




Rob Humfeld



Rob Humfeld

Certified LabVIEW Architect

Senior Project Engineer


Innoventor, Inc.

"The Original Idea People"

314-692-9998 ext. 139

10 Kimler Drive

Maryland Heights, MO  63043


Message 7 of 19

It is outrageous that labview does not provide any free conversion software to convert higher version Vi to lower Vi. If you own an older version of Labview, you must pay to upgrade so that you can do the conversion. Otherwise, you can't open any higher version Vi.


Thinlk about the situation where you can't open doc created by word 2012 with your word 2007. Are you happy about it? If microsoft ask you to pay to be able to read newer version doc, would you scream? Labview is extorting money any way it can from its users.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 19

This is not uncommon in the industry.  As new technology comes along, the old becomes obsolete.  That's life. No one is forcing you to use new versions.  If you want them to support your new work you should support theirs too.  Plus, the Version Conversion board is available to upgrade or downgrade any VIs you like... For free.



LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 19

btw, the conversion board will convert one of two for you at its mercy.


Yes, that is life. But, does it means, that you will be OK if you can't open your friends docs written in word 2012 with your old word?
 Some thing here. You can't open your colleague's labview 2013 design with your old labview, and you are OK with it?


0 Kudos
Message 10 of 19