09-16-2011 11:38 AM
Greetings to all
I have a vi that accomplishes the task of converting a 2d array dbl to a 1d waveform (and concattenating that with another waveform) However, it is the most memory and time intensive task, and i'm sure there is a better way to accomplish it.
VI attached
I wish I had asked this at the webinar on memory this week 😞
09-16-2011 01:24 PM
Define "memory intensive" and "time intensive". You also said you are using the VI to concatenate the data to another waveform. The VI is doing no such thing. It overwrites the Y array element for each waveform in the waveform array.
09-16-2011 01:38 PM
whoops, duh, nevermind. well...........thanks! that actually changes things, i'll repost it once i fix that