08-09-2016 08:25 AM - edited 08-09-2016 08:26 AM
I am trying to make a sphere using 2 imported databases and then just a fixed z axis.
I am not sure why this is not working as its not displaying any data.
this is just a small example as part of a larger program. In my program the databases will change, but the z axis will be generated by measurements taken during the program.
I have never used 3D plotting before and i would appretiate some help
08-09-2016 06:21 PM
Interesting result with your example data, with the graph not displaying a curve. Perhaps the constant z data value throws the z auto scaling off somehow.
If I add random data to your value of twenty or if I turn off auto scaling of the z axis, and use a range of 15 to 25, the 3D graph displays more as I would expect.
I think you will be fine with real, non-constant data for the z axis, and will see a 3D graph.