02-10-2015 02:26 PM
i want to transfer my signal from MATLAB (2010a) to LABVIEW 2010 using simulation interface toolkit, during transfering my signal i am facing a problem "unable to connect to the SIT server in the simulation environment"
error window is attached with a question.
02-18-2015 12:27 PM
Have you confirmed that the SIT Server is running and configured for that port? You should see in the MATLAB® Command Window:
Starting the SIT Server on port 6011
SIT Server started
Additionally, can you confirm that any firewalls and anitviruses are temporarily disabled?
02-19-2015 06:24 AM
yes i have selected a port 6011 and all the firewalls and antiviruses were disabled.
02-20-2015 12:14 PM
When you run the command NISITServer('start',6011) do you see any error messages?
02-20-2015 03:59 PM
Thanks for your reply
no there's no error
02-24-2015 03:03 PM
Can you attach your LabVIEW code?
02-25-2015 08:02 PM
As my Simulation toolkit is still not working but when i first run NISITServer it shows this message ( attached in figure 1) when i run it second time NISITserver after doing some work on matlab or even when i make my mdl file (MATLAB) connection on labview through SIT connection and runs NISITServer it shows this message both times (attached in figure 2).
What does these means? and how can i resolve these errors??
I am trying an example given in a http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3057/en/ ..
03-12-2015 08:28 AM
i also facing same issue please answer this and required solution ?
03-16-2015 10:50 AM
Are you using a supported compiler? A compiler compatibility chart can be found on this KnowledgeBase.
03-16-2015 12:19 PM
Thanks for reply,
yes i am using compatible compiler as mentioned in a chart.
But still facing a same problem, error (56 and 66).
can you please tell me the importance of SDK while using SIT?? is it compatibilty also matters?