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6040 not reconize on a PCI 7041/6040 card

I'm having problem installing a PCI 7041/6040 card. The measurment and automation reconize the 7041 board but not the 6040 daughterboard that is is intented to cumininicate with a BNC 2090.   I tried to install the drivers suggested on Ni site: Ni-DAQ 7.4 and Ni-DAQmnx 7. Nothing changed. I tried to install more recent version of the software on the 7041 but it crached and gave error 66. I retried it a second time and it gave error 56.

I think I need reinstall in another way the software on 7041 but still I don't see the 6040 daughterboard.

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Message 1 of 5
Hi There:

What exactly are you able to see in MAX. When you said that you were able to recognize the 7041, what did it show up as? If I am not mistaken you should see something like RT::0.

If this is what shows up then that is all you need. If you look at page 20 of the following manual, it talks about installing the 7041 board:

If this is what you are seeing then I would guess you are on the right track. If you are seeing something different then could you describe it?



P.S: I am not sure what error 66 is but it seems like you were on the right track when you recognized 7041. Have you tried reverting back to the older drivers?
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Message 2 of 5
In Max I see the RT::0, I tried to update the programs (as written in the manual p. 21) on the board, and it fail and delete the version that was on the board and i'm not able to reinstall them in max (by going to RT::0-->software-->install program  and installing the  program. Do I need to change anything with switch on the board or is there another way to reinstall them. (now when I start max instead of a green light with running written beside it, there is a green light with no software install written beside it and it gives error 56 or 66 if I tried to reinstall the sofware on the card with max)

I'm use to work with the 7030/6040, with this older version it was possible to see the daughter board (6040) in Max and configure the channels(but not test them), shouldn't I be able to see the 6040 and the channel of the 7041/6040 in order to configure them? If not how do I configure them.

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Message 3 of 5
Hi Simon:

Can you tell me what software you are downloading on to the 7041 and what versions they are? I found some information regarding this error but it seems to tell me that it could be the software versions being installed.

Are you installing DAQmx and LabVIEW RT when this happens? If so what versions?


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Message 4 of 5



I have the same problem with the 6040 doughterboard. I installed the software on the PCI 7041 board and i can see the RT::0.

The problem is that i cannot acces the imputs and outputs of the 6040 from labview 7.1 connected to the rt target.

I configured some channels and scales from NI-DAQ Config (RC on the RT::0)  but i can't acces them in LV.

I create a task, i choose the type of signal i acquire, but when i want to select the physical channel no device is recognized.

When i istalled the software i used this document  "LabVIEW Real-Time Module Readme 8.5.1.doc" maybe it is of some help- it can easily be found on google.

How can i fix this problem and what am i doing wrong?


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Message 5 of 5