09-10-2013 11:58 AM
I use 6363 OEm to acquire 17 miliion samples. my sampling rate is 1 MS/s and every itearion I get like 100000 samples. The problem I have is what will happen to the samples I miss in transition . Lets's say between first pack of 100000 samples and the second one. Is there any way to store thoses samples and append them to the start of thes econd pack
09-10-2013 12:12 PM
09-10-2013 12:28 PM
I start and stop on hardware trigger and I acquire continiously. I thought I might miss data and I havent't looked at the timestamps yet
I acquire and log the data to a TDMS file in every iteration. Do you think can logging the data or other servieces run on windows delay the transistion time between the iterations?
09-10-2013 12:49 PM