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ARM porting guide precision



I'am presently trying to use a LPC2148 with LabVIEW 8.6. As specified in the ARM Porting Guide Ch. 2, I have check for the RTX_Config file and I found RTX_Conf_LPC21xx.c and Startup.s. So, I skiped the 4th chapter.


Then, I did Ché 5 and I didn't find a product with my uC board. So I did it. Then come back on Ch. 2. Tutorial talk about Retarget.c but I don't have this file for my uC. Same thing for the Ext_RAM.ini and Clock.ini files.


Do i just ignore these files or there a way to create it ?


Thank you.

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Yan,


Just to clarify, your ARM target was not listed in the \Keil\ARM\RT Agent\RTX folder as indicated in chapter 5, so you went back to chapter 2 and found that you were missing the retarget.c, Ext_RAM.ini and Clock.ini files? What version of LabVIEW Embedded for ARM are you using with LabVIEW 8.6?


I am pretty sure that you will need these files, but I will need to do some research to find out how you can obtain them. I will look into this for you and get back to you as soon as I have updates.



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Message 2 of 3
Yes, you're right. It was not listed in \Keil\ARM\RT_Agent\RTX folder as indicated in chapter 5 so I did the explanation of chapter 5. Then I came back in chapter 2 and I found that it was missing the retarget.c, Ext_RAM.ini and Clock.ini files. 

I presently use LabVIEW 8.6 with the the LabVIEW Embedded module for ARM v. 1.1



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Message 3 of 3