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me piden hacer un programa donde un conveyor mueva una botella y la llene y despues la mueva , con boton de inicio y paro , por favor ayudenme , tambien tengo que hacer eso y conectarlo a un plc con el mismo programa ojala me ayuden enserio 

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Message 1 of 2

Hi Student,


@estudiantenapuros311 wrote:

I am asked to make a program where a conveyor moves a bottle and fills it and then moves it, with a start and stop button, please help me, I also have to do that and connect it to a PLC with the same program, I hope you can help me seriously

We can help you "seriously" as soon as you start to

  • provide relevant information
  • provide your own code attempts
  • ask specific questions

Otherwise you might offer a (paid) job in the other board

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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