10-09-2012 01:29 AM
Roger, hi!
Thanks for the hard work/input.
I will review your code and try to make it work nicely.
Will be in touch!
Thanks (Tack 🙂 )
10-09-2012 02:37 AM
@LukaAmbrozic wrote:
Roger, hi!
Thanks for the hard work/input.
I will review your code and try to make it work nicely.
Will be in touch!
Thanks (Tack 🙂 )
Ste dobrodošli.
Hopefully I didn't wreak too much havoc in your code Luka?
10-09-2012 02:50 AM
Haha, actually it does make sense! I like the code a lot 😄 I just had this idea in my head, that once you're in a while loop, you cant get out, unless you tell it to stop at some point.
it even runs on the cRIO, only at max 5 Hz (I am not even sure if it is realy that, since the tick count and my stopwatch never get synced...), so some code revision is necessary. But better than before, for sure, so thanks! And also, perhaps getting some of the code to run on FPGA would speed things up!
I'm discussing a course with NI at the moment, seems like I need to have some stuff explained to me 🙂
At least on the host, i can run, mostly, at 100Hz.
I'll be in touch with the developements,
10-09-2012 03:00 AM
@LukaAmbrozic wrote:
Haha, actually it does make sense! I like the code a lot 😄 I just had this idea in my head, that once you're in a while loop, you cant get out, unless you tell it to stop at some point.
it even runs on the cRIO, only at max 5 Hz (I am not even sure if it is realy that, since the tick count and my stopwatch never get synced...), so some code revision is necessary. But better than before, for sure, so thanks! And also, perhaps getting some of the code to run on FPGA would speed things up!
I'm discussing a course with NI at the moment, seems like I need to have some stuff explained to me 🙂
At least on the host, i can run, mostly, at 100Hz.
I'll be in touch with the developements,
Fantastic then!
If you do some cool RT/FPGA IMU/AHRS stuff that can be reduced to some primitive that does not conflict with the business enterprise you are in, then I'l love to test out that code. The NI Community would benefit from some more AHRS/IMU examples. Perhaps I can even contribute back some improvements.
A course would for sure be highly recommended. Also very important to get in touch with some senior LV programmer/consultant/NI AE in your area to get going with a good maintainable and scalable LabVIEW architecture.
Have fun,
10-09-2012 05:33 AM
@LukaAmbrozic wrote:
Haha, actually it does make sense! I like the code a lot 😄 I just had this idea in my head, that once you're in a while loop, you cant get out, unless you tell it to stop at some point.
it even runs on the cRIO, only at max 5 Hz (I am not even sure if it is realy that, since the tick count and my stopwatch never get synced...), so some code revision is necessary. But better than before, for sure, so thanks! And also, perhaps getting some of the code to run on FPGA would speed things up!
I'm discussing a course with NI at the moment, seems like I need to have some stuff explained to me 🙂
At least on the host, i can run, mostly, at 100Hz.
I'll be in touch with the developements,
If you are in a rush with no budget constraints, perhaps throw some hardware at the problem?
http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/sv/nid/210001 <- Me likes.
08-06-2013 02:45 AM
Just wondering if you all had some examples of cost function matrices and what their matrices (F, Q(t), R(t)) entailed in a practical sense - thanks again for your help with this. I know how this may seem a little off topic but you all seem to know how to apply the kalman filter practically.
02-26-2014 01:44 AM
can i have these files please for lv2010?