Yes, the tblimp tool takes in a type library and spits out a COM Interop Assembly. It is very straightforward.
However, in case you missed my "Braindead" post, I realized in LV 7 we added support to call the COM component directly using the ActiveX nodes. If you don't have 7.x, then you can't use the .NET stuff (wasn't added then) but you might still be able to use the COM component if you support IDispatch.
To use the ActiveX nodes, go to the Connectivity->ActiveX palette then
1. Drop an Open Automation VI.
2. Right click on the Automation reference input terminal and select Create Constant.
3. Right click on the constant node and pick "Select Class". You should then be able to browse the installed COM components.
At this point the Open should create a refnum for you that you then use via the InvokeProperty and InvokeMethod nodes.
Let me know if that works for you.