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Accidentally updated dependencies to newer version, now I can't build

I have accidentally updated certain VIs within a project to the 2023 version of labview, now when I try to build on our development machine, it fails to build, is there a way to roll everything back to the correct version quickly, or is it just a case of going through each VI one by one and saving for previous version? 

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Message 1 of 6

File->Save For Previous Version


Or just go back to your Source Control repository and check out a version before you accidentally saved in the wrong version.

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Message 2 of 6

@crossrulz wrote:

File->Save For Previous Version


Or just go back to your Source Control repository and check out a version before you accidentally saved in the wrong version.

File->Save For Previous Version 
Tried this, still get the conflicts

Or just go back to your Source Control repository and check out a version before you accidentally saved in the wrong version.
It's been done in error whilst trying to implement this. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

@LVIEWPQ wrote:
File->Save For Previous Version 
Tried this, still get the conflicts. 

I assume you did than in the project, not individual VIs. Are there any dependencies that cannot be directly determined, e.g. files that are only called by reference based on file name?

If you "save for previous", LabVIEW will never overwrite the file in the original location, but place the down-converted VIs in a new folder. Maybe your toplevel is still finding the 2023 version instead?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6


@altenbach wrote:

@LVIEWPQ wrote:
File->Save For Previous Version 
Tried this, still get the conflicts. 

I assume you did than in the project, not individual VIs. Are there any dependencies that cannot be directly determined, e.g. files that are only called by reference based on file name?

If you "save for previous", LabVIEW will never overwrite the file in the original location, but place the down-converted VIs in a new folder. Maybe your toplevel is still finding the 2023 version instead?

That's exactly the issue, it appears to have converted the file in the original location to 2023, but if I replace the file there everything works again. 

So opening in a new version, it updated everything, must have saved without realising. 

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Message 5 of 6

It may depend on what and "how much" got converted to LabVIEW 2023.  You can do the following to find out, and in the Best of All Possible Worlds, the fix is not too difficult.

  1. Do not open the Project.  Open, instead, the Top Level VI (I'll call it "Main") using the "too high" version (LabVIEW 2023).
  2. Right-click the open VI's Icon on the Control Panel view and look at the Description.  Does it show the Version as LabVIEW 2023?  If so, "Save for Previous Version".  You should get a Folder showing the VIs that have been converted.
  3. Find the Folder that seems to contain the Converted Files from your Project Folder.  Don't worry about libraries and stuff in National Instruments folders for now.  If your Project was originally saved in a "My Project" folder in your LabVIEW Data folder in My Documents, you'll want to find the analogous Folder in the "Previous Version" file tree.
  4. Copy this somewhere "safe" (My Desktop isn't bad), and add the LabVIEW Version as part of the Folder Name (so you don't get mixed up).
  5. You now have all of the TypeDefs, VIs, Classes, etc. in your Project saved in the correct version.  The only problem is the Project file is messed up.  So rename it to "My Project 2023" or something similar.
  6. Now the fun begins.  Create a New Project and save it as "My Project" in your "Project Folder Under Construction".  It will, of course, be an Empty Project.
  7. Start Add-ing Folders from Project Folder Under Construction.  Do not make "Auto-Populating" -- you (for now) want to do this once.
  8. Any "orphan" files not inside a Folder in the Project Folder can be added by "Add Files".
  9. You now have a Project File with (in the Best of All Possible Worlds) all of the Files re-introduced as the "Correct Version".  Try opening  If it has problems finding sub-VIs and TypeDefs, see if you can find them.  With a little bit of luck, you'll soon have your Project back at the correct version.

Alternatively, restore from Version Control which you saved just before you saved for LabVIEW 2023.


     Sadly, I forgot to do the above a fes weeks ago, and went through this Procedure recently.  Worked like a charm.


Bob Schor

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Message 6 of 6