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Acquire and plot waveforms from two oscilloscope channels, one of which is the trigger

Good evening,


I have 1-day experience with labview and oscilloscopes, so the answer for you could be very easy.


I am working with a Tektronix MSO 3014 scope with his drivers in labview.

The aim is to acquire two signals (ch1 and ch2), and one of the two signals, ch2, is the trigger.


In other words, I want to start collecting data from ch1 when ch2 reaches a certain value (different from zero), and I want to plot both of them in the same plot. It would be perfect to stop the acquisition when ch2 become zero again.

Also, I would like to have an excel file as an output saved in my laptop if possible.

Attached the code I found in the help of the drivers, but it plots only the ch1 I think.

Thanks in advance for you help.



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