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Activating loops through events

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@Rob_Ward wrote:



I saved it in versions 11 and 10, so I hope this works for you now.



I wanted to see the code because yenkip's post regarding 28 locals concerned me. While locals are necessary at times when dealing with UI stuff I would be leary of posting code with such a high number of them. The code can certainly be modified using either a QSM or user events to minimize how many places local variables would be needed. I know the code you posted is just abasic example but another issue is that needs to be mentioned is that the sequence frame inside the event structure will prevent any events from being processed until it completes. Generally you don't want to put code inside an event structure, at least event structures that are handling UI events, that takes more than a few hundred milliseconds. Code that takes several seconds will make teh UI event processing very sluggish and this can be a major annoyance to the user.


Mark Yedinak
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
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Message 11 of 13

Hey guys.

I had to spend yesterday reviewing the answers you provided, thank you so much. The QSM is definitely the way to go for the application i have in mind. I might have sligth issues with the putting it together but thats what debugging is for rigth? 

Thank you for all the inputs.

Kind regards 

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Message 12 of 13



I am glad you have found a sloution.  One thing to bear in mind with the QSM when in debug mode is that queues are like notifiers and break LabVIEW's `data flow' mechanism that you may have gotten accustomed to thus far.  This took me a while to get my head around because with highlight execution on it was not obvious as to how the data was passed between the queue and dequeue elements.  It's not a problem, just something to bear in mind when in debug mode.


All the best with the rest of the project.


Robert Ward
Applications Engineer, NI
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Message 13 of 13