03-24-2015 03:35 PM
My problem is in building UI. I want to analyse my spectra and calculate area under the peak. For a single peak this was easy. I was able to make a small program, but the problem is, I need to calculate almost 8-10 peak per files and files. But the number of peak nor the position of peak is constant, in the file aEg.txt , I wanted to analyse only one peak but in another file I need 3 peak data. Is there any way to put some control on front panel which will create cursor in my spectrum plot, so that depending on my need I will add cursor to spectra for peak area calculation.
03-24-2015 04:27 PM
03-25-2015 09:03 AM
couldn't you do somethink like this using the XY-Graph's property nodes:
03-25-2015 09:27 AM
03-25-2015 10:53 AM - edited 03-25-2015 10:56 AM
No, I'm pretty sure the CursorList property is the way to go here. It works as suggested at least as far back as LabVIEW 2011.
EDIT: you WILL get an error if you try to set "ActiveCursor" to an index higher than the number of existing cursors.
So you could configure the number of cursors manually as shown, and set the XY coordinates for each cursor from your peak-detection VI.
03-25-2015 11:44 AM