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Adding sine waves

thank you for your answer.. i will try again.:)
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 33
Raven covered the issue well.
The first thing to correct is the "Selector".  You cannot wire doubles.  Your Case Structure is actually expecting a String.
Another point to mention is that you could implement the math directly using Labview functions (vi's).
(EDIT: Can't believe it took me 3 hours to post the reply 😉  LOL!)

Message Edited by JoeLabView on 05-28-2008 08:06 PM
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 33
hi again..ı have one more question. you explained well and ı made some changes also the question is this ı know that ı should add a converter but which converter ı couldnt find:s  ı m looking forward for your answer ı hope it will be soon:)
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 33
ın this project and at the case structure n and wn  must be number that is the meaning of this that should be numeric(blue ) is that true? And the other ones must be variable (orange ) to solve the error I must have converter is that true? but which one I dont know.
ıf this idea is wrong how can I solve this ?
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 33
Before we answer your question, please explain what the cases mean..
In other words:  What does "L"..."L/2" mean?  Is it a range of values?  If it is a range of values being L to L/2, then do the math outside the case and use the In Range? function and the boolean output would select the TRUE case.. 
However, you have other cases in your Case Structure..  Which means that a True / False scenario would not be approprite.  I don't have LV installed on this PC, so I can't remember the other cases... 
What you could do is use a Selector and if the case I just described is true, then you could select a string saying InRange.  Then change your case to the same string "InRange" instead of "L2"..."L/2".  So if it is in range, it would go to that case in the Case Statement.  This way, you can have additional cases to handle the other scenarios.
Do you understand what I described above?  It's actually easier than it sounds..  😉
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 33

Hi, Can u plz help me in adding 6 sine waves and it should show the addition of sinwaves as per our interest for e.x. addition of A+B or B+D or B+D+F or A+B+C+D+E+F 

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 33

Since your problems looks like it has nothing to do with the original thread, you really should have started a new thread.


Since you are doing the same thing 6 times over, I would recommend putting your parameters into an array.  Then it is really easy to do the work in a FOR loop.  This would also allow for more or less waveforms.

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0 Kudos
Message 17 of 33

thank you 🙂 , but i should keep frequency same(constant) for all 6 sinewaves is that possible, can u plz try in my way ? 

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 33

Addition of six sine waves

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 33

Chanti@risc wrote:

Addition of six sine waves

You must be kidding! Are you gettting paid by the diagram size and total wire lenghts?

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 33