01-17-2020 05:48 PM
I was using N16211 card to record the FM modulated signal with 100kHz sampling rate. The data which I have taken 2 months ago was less noisy than recent data, the FFT data attached it is clearly visible. Why the noise increases almost 100 times
01-17-2020 11:03 PM
What I understood from the images is that the noise was up over a wide range of frequency. Nothing such as an environment was changed between two measurements?
01-20-2020 04:53 PM
Yes, experimental condition is just the same, but how the noise increases, NI card used to generate a TTL to record the FM modulation? Is it because of grounding issue ? The modulation frequency is 200Hz, but in the demodulation I have observed a addition harmonic frequencies of 60Hz, 120 Hz, etc
01-21-2020 02:01 AM
Hi Ramolemiss,
Yes, experimental condition is just the same, but how the noise increases, … The modulation frequency is 200Hz, but in the demodulation I have observed a addition harmonic frequencies of 60Hz, 120 Hz, etc
Do you live in a country where the main supply uses 60Hz AC (in contrast to Central Europe with 50Hz)?
Did something change inside/outside the test chamber about main supply wiring or larger devices (regarding power consumption)?
01-21-2020 11:50 AM
Yes, I am working in the United States, 2 months back the demodulation doesn't contain these frequencies. Now, noise and these frequencies get added. This 6211 NI card which also used for generating a TTL output with clock frequency 100kHz to trigger the camera when the camera needs external triggering.