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Advanced database

hey can anyone can help with my assignment I got a portfolio to finish I cannot do the practical exercises in oracle sql developer  they are two only please give me your email address I show you the exercises it will be highly appreciated if you can do them for me let me attach the documents i also  need sql screenshots and files together with screenshots please help me finish this exercises and keep them in a zip file with sql queries and files with a microsoft word with all question answered i can email them the work anyone whose serious in programming and willing to help please provide me with your email address thank you all

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Message 1 of 3

Does your question have anything to do with LabVIEW? If so, how???


Well, this is a help forum, not a service to do assignments for others for free so they get all the credit. Why would you get assignments that you cannot do yourself? That scenario simply makes no sense. Please explain.



Message 2 of 3

I think your keyboard is broken, you seems to not be able to make a .  and a , in your sentence.

Maybe you should fix your keyboard before you make your own assignment.



Message 3 of 3