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Alarm and Event Query Very Slow


I am using the DSC Alarm and Event Query vi to pull data from the SQL database (not the Citadel).  I have a filter set up that specifies the "Alarm Area" and the start and stop dates with maximun results set to 22.  These dates are set to only pull the last 24 hrs.  This vi will return around 10 to 20 entries out of perhaps 80-90 total events in the last 24 hours in the database.   This database is ~2M in size.   I have to set the timeout to almost 10 min for this vi to not produce a timeout error.  The results returned are correct but it just seems that the time to run this vi is excessive.  It is quering a database on the same system that the quering vi is running on.  Should I expect better preformance?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Todd,


Do you have sample code you can post? It might help people run things quickly to see if they can replicate your behavior. From the hip, that seems excessive on time for a few querys.

Verne D. // Software R&D // National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4


I have boiled down the code to this attachment.  This query took almost 7 min to return 22 results from a database size that is listed as 2.09877E+6.  I have also tried the Alarms and Event Query to spreadsheet vi also and it takes the same amount of time.  I am wondering if I place the Alarms and Events into the same (Citidel) database that the traces are going if it would be much faster.  I seem to get trace data back very fast.  If I recall correctly I seperated the alarms from the trace because I was having some sort of problem accessing the alarm data in the combined database...but that was several labVIEW versions ago.  Anyone else having this problem?




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi Todd,


I'm not finding much in previous problems with this. If you make the same queries into a new, small database, do you still see the delay?

Verne D. // Software R&D // National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4