01-09-2012 12:55 PM
I am working on a VI that will output an analog pulse, then log data when it receives an external trigger. I have both parts working separately: I can output the pulse and read data when an external trigger is received (Pulse&Acq.jpg), and I can log data when an external trigger is received (TDMS Logging.jpg). However, when I try to combine them I cannot import the resulting TDMS file (Pulse&Log.jpg). I get the following error: USI encountered an exception: (326): Bulk:: GetValues failed for attribute. Additionally, the importer opens two workbooks, which appear to be identical, and both have the USI error.
Any ideas? Thanks!
01-10-2012 02:09 AM - edited 01-10-2012 02:11 AM
For the bottom part (Analog Input triggered by digital pulse and saved in TDMS) you start the task AFTER the pulse is sent (by the top part), if you place the start for the analog task before the while loop I think it will work fine.
EDIT : The thing that surprises me a bit is that the Pulse&Acq example works... maybe I'm just all wrong...
Hope this helps
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.